Oh hello blog! It’s been a while. Lately, life has dashed by, with me racing to keep up. Living simply is replaced by living hastily. In between flights, deadlines and meetings I’ve still found some treasured moments though. Moments for farmers market shopping. Moments for exchanging ideas and dreams with friends new and old. Moments for grilled cheese sandwiches with my very own balcony grown tomatoes. Life is rich, even when time is poor.
This post is to share a few notes about Sydney, my second home for the next nine months or so.
Transition Bondi: This inspiring crew of folks gather every week for a shared, locally-grown dinner, a film, and enlivening discussion at Bondi Beach. As well, there’s a community garden, a farmers market, permaculture courses and all kinds of other good stuff. If you live in Sydney or are passing through, you’ll nourish your heart and mind by connecting with Transition Bondi.
Beauty in microwaves and more: The Found Objects Art Collective turns trash into treasure, quite literally. Discarded ovens turn into stunning engraved picture books, wires are tamed into sculptures and drink cans unfurl into wall hangings. Incredible. I especially fell in love with the work of Joanne Mulcahy-Zubani: https://profiles.google.com/joannemulcahy.JMZ/about
Marrickville Markets: Awesome sense of community, great produce, and a vegan butcher (really!).
Sydney might be big, and smoggy and hectic and impersonal. But it’s got charm, intimacy and ecology in at least equal measures. And for these things, I love it more and more.
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